I’m Dom Tsui, founder and head coach at Two Wolves.
I help people who are struggling to fulfil their potential by showing them how to feel comfortable and confident in who they are.
Have you ever felt like the more you learn, the less you understand? Or worse - you understand everything but it doesn’t seem to help, and then someone with a fraction of your knowledge comes along and effortlessly masters what you’re struggling with? That was me. I overcame this with the same practices that I’ll show you: now I am living a life I never imagined, teaching workshops and helping people across the world.
I was a smart kid who could have excelled in any career - if it wasn’t for the fact that I was crippled by anxiety, indecision and a total lack of self belief.
I tried to make up for this by learning and studying as much as I could about confidence and happiness. I knew everything about how to do the things that were supposed to make you feel better, to make you more capable and competent. I meditated, trained martial arts, and did all manner of spiritual and self development work.
I would have periods of success, before I’d crash and burn our and be too depressed to face the world. I would constantly avoid opportunities to have the life I wanted, because I was scared to fail - or worse, to succeed and feel like an impostor.
About me
My whole life changed when I stumbled across Embodiment - and suddenly I knew why all of the techniques, practices and systems had failed me before. This was the missing piece, the glue that held everything together. All my successes and failures that had resisted explanation, now made perfect sense.
I started to see everything in a new light, from a deeper place of understanding. My life started to change and I broke through that great invisible barrier: that feeling of not being good enough, of not being ready. I love sharing what I’ve learned and helping others make the same breakthroughs in their own lives.
Outside of coaching, I am a lifelong martial artist with experience in many styles. I’ve competed across the globe and won numerous titles and have worked with professional combat athletes. I have a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and lived and trained in Brazil, and was the head coach at an academy teaching adults and children of all ages. In addition to teaching martial arts, I’ve also taught meditation, breath work, and emotional releasing.
I’ve spent years studying and practicing all kinds of physical, mental and spiritual development. I’ve learned from the best coaches and trainers and dedicated myself to uncovering the common denominator in everything they showed me. I’ve gone to great lengths to demystify and refine all these teachings so that they can impact anyone, anywhere.
About Embodiment
If you’ve done everything you’re supposed to do but still haven’t got what you want in life, you might be missing the hidden key to all self growth.
No matter how much information you gather, no matter what habits and practices you start, the way you feel inside is going to shape the world around you.
Becoming aware of your inner world, your subconscious thoughts and emotions, the subtle energies in your body - this is the bridge between where you’re stuck now and where you want to be. Learning to feel, handle, and clean up this internal landscape is the difference between pushing for years with nothing to show for it, or allowing things to click into place effortlessly.
This is embodiment - the art of really being the person that has everything you’re striving for. Instead of making surface level changes to try and get something that deep down we don’t feel like we’re good enough to attain, we work on ourselves from the inside out so that getting what we want in life is easy and inevitable. Who you are on the inside shapes the life you live and the things you have, so you will learn how to be who you need to be, to get what you want.
We identify your patterns - patterns of thinking, behaving, even moving - the ones you might already know, but especially the ones you don’t. We make the unconscious conscious, so you know exactly where you struggle and where you have room to grow. We change what doesn’t work and bring out more of what does.
What we’re after is that sense of effortless confidence that comes from knowing that you can do whatever is it that you want, unburdened by doubts about our ability or our worthiness. Whether you’re working on a specific goal or just the way you show up in life in general, you’ll learn the embodiment practices and techniques that will allow you to be calm, confident and impervious to pressure, no matter the situation.
About Two Wolves
The story of the two wolves is commonly told as a battle between the positive and negative energy within us. It is a simple, powerful message. The full version is less commonly seen, but has a deeper message. The darkness within is not our enemy, but a source of strength if we embrace it and tame it.
An old Cherokee Indian chief was teaching his grandson about life.
He said, "A fight is going on inside me", he told the young boy, "a fight between two wolves.
The Dark one is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The Light Wolf is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you, grandson, and inside of every other person on the face of this earth.”
The grandson ponders this for a moment and then asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee smiled and simply said, "The one you feed. But if you feed them right, they both win.”
“You see, if I only choose to feed the Light wolf, the Dark wolf will be hiding around every corner waiting for me to become distracted or weak and jump to get the attention he craves. He will always be angry and will always fight the Light wolf.”
“But if I acknowledge him, he is happy and the Light wolf is happy and we all win. For the Dark wolf has many qualities — tenacity, courage, fearlessness, strong-willed and great strategic thinking–that I have need of at times. These are the very things the Light wolf lacks. But the Light wolf has compassion, caring, strength and the ability to recognize what is in the best interest of all.”
“You see, son, the Light wolf needs the Dark wolf at his side. To feed only one would starve the other and they will become uncontrollable. To feed and care for both means they will serve you well and do nothing that is not a part of something greater, something good, something of life.”
“Feed them both and there will be no more internal struggle for your attention. And when there is no battle inside, you can listen to the voices of deeper knowing that will guide you in choosing what is right in every circumstance.”
“Peace, my son, is the Cherokee mission in life. A man or a woman who has peace inside has everything. A man or a woman who is pulled apart by the war inside him or her has nothing.”
“How you choose to interact with the opposing forces within you will determine your life. Starve one or the other or guide them both.”